Carlos Santiago Nino
![]() 1943 ~ 1993
Carlos Nino was a publicly engaged intellectual of rare integrity and brilliance. In his dedication to human rights, the rule of law, and constitutional legitimacy he combined passion with wisdom and analytic clarity. His inexhaustible courage in fighting to restore decency to his nation provides a model for others working in the wake of dictatorship. We are fortunate to have in his writings a record of his remarkable thought and experience.
Carlos Nino was an extraordinary combination of theoretical philosopher, practical statesman, and heroic patriot. His work engages and repays attention at all three levels.
Carlos Nino was a brave man and an admirable philosopher who did his country notable service on the basis of a robust belief in liberal political values and universal human rights. His philosophy argues clearly and strongly for a foundation of the values which were expressed in his life.
The untimely death of Carlos Nino has deprived Latin America of one of its leading activists for constitutionalism, and it has torn from the international community of constitutional scholars one of its best and brightest. Carlos Nino was notably not only for his political wisdom and courage, but also for the unusual sophistication and cosmopolitanism of his constitutional thinking.
Carlos Santiago Nino died in 1993 at age 49. He was an unusual combination of philosopher, lawyer, activist, and scholar whose passion for ideas was equalled only by his passion for life. That life was cut short, but Nino's ideas on human rights, ethics, justice, and democracy are still here to enrich discussions and stimulate debate.
Maintained by Pablo Stafforini
[books / book excerpts]
· Consideraciones sobre la dogmática jurídica. México, 1974.
· Problemas abiertos en la Filosofía del Derecho. Doxa, 1 (1984).
· El cuatrilema del consecuencialismo. Doxa, 4 (1987).
· Constructivismo epistemológico: Entre Rawls y Habermas. Doxa, 5 (1988).
· Autonomía y necesidades básicas. Doxa, 7 (1990).
· Entrevista a Genaro R. Carrió. Doxa, 7 (1990).
· Sobre los derechos morales. Doxa, 7 (1990).
· The Duty to Punish Past Abuses of Human Rights Put into Context. Yale Law Journal, 100 (1991).
· Breve autobiografía intelectual. No hay derecho, II, 6 (1992).
· Réplica a María Inés Pazos. Doxa, 12 (1992).
· Respuesta a J.J. Moresco, P.E. Navarro y M.C. Redondo. Doxa, 13 (1993).
· Contexto social y régimen de gobierno. Doxa, 14 (1993).
· Derecho, moral y política. Doxa, 14 (1993).
· Justicia. Doxa, 14 (1993).
· Carlos Nino vs. Eugenio Zaffaroni. No hay derecho, II, 4 (1991); II, 5 (1992); III, 8 (1993).
Writings about Carlos Santiago Nino
· Sobre el status ontológico de los derechos humanos. Eugenio Bulygin. Doxa, 4 (1987).
· Homenaje. Alberto Ricardo Dalla Via. La Nación, 2003.
· The Death of a Public Intellectual. Owen Fiss. The Yale Law Journal, 104 (1995)
· La justificación moral de los derechos humanos. Facundo García Valverde.
· La teoría penal de Nino y los problemas del consentimiento. Facundo García Valverde.
· Carlos Nino y la filosofía de la democracia. Roberto Gargarella & Marcelo Alegre. Clarín, 2003.
· El legado de uno de los precursores de la democracia deliberativa. Agustín José Menéndez. Res publica, 3 (1999).
· Derecho y razonamiento práctico en C. S. Nino. Victoria Roca Pérez. 1996.
· Sobre la justificación de la democracia en la obra de Carlos S. Nino. Ángeles Ródenas. Doxa, 10 (1991).
· Algunas consideraciones acerca de la representación en Carlos S. Nino. Alfredo Stolarz.
· Representación, democracia directa y valor epistémico. Alfredo Stolarz.
· Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights. Edward A. Kent. The Law and Politics Review, X, 7 (2000).
· La legítima defensa. Mario A. Villar.
· Radical Evil on Trial and The Constitution of Deliberative Democracy. Marcus Faro de Castro. The Law and Politics Book Review, VII, 6 (1997).
Encyclopedia Entries
· Wikipedia.
· Rights.
Carlos Santiago Nino: 1943 ~ 1993 |