Yoga : Ardha-sirsasana 1

Half Headstand Posture I: Ardha-sirsasana

This begins like Sirsasana, but has an additional stage. Having slowly walked forward until the back is vertical and the weight is centred on the top of the head, with balancing support from the clasped hands, the forearms, and the elbows, giving a little thrust with the toes and slowly raise the legs until they are parallel to the floor and at right angles to the torso. Hold this position of balance steadily for a few seconds, breathing freely; then slowly lower the toes to the floor. Slowly come of the inverted pose by bending the knees, and sit back on the s for a minute or so while the blood flows away from the head.

Add seconds to the duration of the pose as the body becomes accustomed to it.

For the beginner, this Half Headstand with straight legs is not as easy as it looks in an illustration. The neck muscles may require strengthening before success can be achieved. Neck and spine have to be in line. Easier for most beginners is the version of the Half Headstand Posture performed with bent legs.  ยท  The link has been deactivated to avoid spam abuse. You will have to enter the e-mail address manually.