Yoga : Embarrassed Child

Embarrassed Child's Posture

Kneel on the floor as at the start of the Hare Posture. Interlace and interlock the fingers and cup the back of the head with the palms of hands. Exhaling, bend forwards and place the top of the head on the floor. The inner edges of the hands should rest on the floor; so should the forearms and the elbows, the latter spread not wider than the shoulders. (See Sirsasana 8 for hand and arm positions.) The thighs are upright, forming a right angle with the lower legs. The pose could in fact be the Hare Posture, except for the different position of the arms and hands. Stay bent forwards for six to ten seconds; then rise slowly to the kneeling position, inhaling. Repeat once.

The benefits, and the contra-indications, are as for the Hare Posture.  ยท  The link has been deactivated to avoid spam abuse. You will have to enter the e-mail address manually.