Yoga : Hare Posture

Hare Posture

Kneel on the floor, the back and thighs in a straight vertical line, thighs and lower legs forming a right angle. Inhale. Exhaling, round the back and lower the top of the head (not the forehead, as in several preceding postures) to the floor. Carry the arms back so that the palms of the hands grasp the legs just above the ankles. Stay down for six to ten seconds; then come up slowly to the kneeling position, inhaling. Repeat once. In the head-down position, the thighs should still be upright and forming a right angle with the lower legs.

The Hare Posture limbers the feet, legs, and spine, and tones the legs, back, shoulders, and neck. The brain and the glands of the head and neck are nourished with blood - so are the scalp and facial tissues. The body is conditioned for the inverted poses of Yoga.

Do not rise abruptly at the conclusion of this posture - this could cause giddiness. The Hare Posture should not be practised by persons with high blood pressure or heart trouble.  ยท  The link has been deactivated to avoid spam abuse. You will have to enter the e-mail address manually.