Yoga : Sirsasana 1

Headstand Posture I: Sirsasana

The full Headstand Posture should only be performed after its Preparatory stages have been mastered. In Group A instruction two approaches to the Headstand were indicated: first, by keeping the legs straight; and second, by bending the knees and bringing them close to the chest, and then raising the feet up and over until the soles faced the wall behind the head, whence the legs were straightened and the legs, trunk, neck, and head brought into vertical line. Two methods of arm support were also taught earlier. In the first of these the palms were flat on the floor, one at each side of the head, the fingers pointing in the opposite direction to the gaze.  ·  The link has been deactivated to avoid spam abuse. You will have to enter the e-mail address manually.