Yoga : Virasana |
Warrior's Posture: Virasana Virasana or Warrior's Posture is one of the 'thirty-two asanas considered auspicious' by the classic text, the Gheranda Samhita. The most common version of it is Hero’s Posture. Dhirendra Brahmachari gives a version in which the leg positions are similar to those we have just described for Homage to the Sun. Again we have the long forward step and the drop on to one knee. In Homage to the Sun both arms were raised up and back. Here, when the right foot is forward, the straight right arm is thrust strongly out in front at shoulder height, the right hand clenched with its back facing to the right and the thumb tucked inside. The left arm is half bent and brought in against the left side, and the clenched left hand is pressed against the diaphragm, just above the navel. You stare fiercely ahead for six seconds at least. Breathe out as you step forward and go down on one knee; breathe in as you thrust your arm forward. Breathe freely in the final pose if you hold it longer than six seconds. Repeat, stepping forward with the left foot, dropping down on to the right knee, and extending the left arm. This posture strengthens and limbers the legs and hips, firms the Muscles of the back, chest, and arms, and tones the nervous system. Brahmachari says of it: 'The practice of this asana generates unprecedented strength, vigour, courage, fortitude and power. It also removes lethargy.' |
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