[A]moralists are among the more popular heroes of both philosophical fantasy and non-philosophical fiction.
Michael Smith, The Moral Problem, Oxford, 1994, p. 67
[A]moralists are among the more popular heroes of both philosophical fantasy and non-philosophical fiction.
Michael Smith, The Moral Problem, Oxford, 1994, p. 67
Amoralits are sceptics about the claims of morality. They do not have to be ruthlessly selfish—they may have generous impulses and care about other people—but they are sceptical about claims that they ought to do things for others. An amoralist says about ‘ought’ what Oscar Wilde said about ‘patriotism’: it is not one of my words. The generous, caring amoralist is in practice not much of a problem. It is the ruthlessly selfish amoralist who arouses the hope that amoralism can be refuted.
Jonathan Glover, Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century, New Haven, 1999, p. 18